  • Idontmindturtle (edited 8 years ago)
    @remez -

    I've seen fat shaming in that people promoting unhealthy lifestyle choices have been called out on it. People promoting obesity as a good thing should be called on it. I have also seen smoker shaming in that people saying smoking isn't really that bad have been called out on it. I've seen random comments like 'omg you are so fat' come out of nowhere and hate seem those comments downvoted to oblivion. I don't know why you think your user experience is more definitive than mine and think typing "so, no, it's not" is going to convince me otherwise.

    Edit: Annnnnd I get downvoted for having a different opinion.

    • remez
      @Idontmindturtle -

      I don't know why you think your user experience is more definitive than mine

      I do not think so. You were describing your experience, and I told you about mine, which is different from yours. Which is understandable, reddit is a big and diverse place.

      And, for what it's worth, it wasn't me downvoting you.