  • LacquerCritic

    Welcome! Make sure you take a gander at the FAQs if you haven't already. As you go through the website and think, "wait, what the heck was that?", the answer will probably be in the FAQs. Feel free to browse through the tribes in the tribe index or in /t/newtribes to find the ones that interest you most. You can also use the search bar at the top to find relevant tribes.

    Lastly, posting a snap here is very different from posting content at reddit or Voat - when you get a chance, I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with all the different modules you can attach to a snap - images, links, videos, lists, etc. You can add relevant links to others' snaps as well. It's really an impressive system that allows individual snaps to become impressive agglomerates of useful, well-designed information.