  • Qukatt

    Northern Ireland have a little known option afforded them; Anyone from Northern Ireland can apply for a republic of Ireland passport. This is something pretty much every single N Irish friend of mine has already started applying for. this means they would all be defacto EU citizens.

    It's unlikely N Ireland would rejoin the republic; the Troubles were in my lifetime and it's still an insanely sore point. they've worked insanely hard to make the Good Friday Agreement and peace work. A referendum like that would be far too dangerous at this time. they're simply not there yet as much as we'd love to believe in it being otherwise. EU-positive doesn't equal being a republican.

    which is sadly where Scotland is as well. many Unionist no voted from Indy-ref were pro remain, many pro-leave were also independence yes voters. there's no real correlation there between the two refs. Personally i voted yes to indy ref because I wanted to stay in the EU and i knew that England would vote to leave and drag us all out as well. I would vote yes again. Some people voted Yes because it meant we would be automagically out the EU and have to hold another vote on applying to join. so it's very very complex. We'll just have to see what happens.