Text Post: Hello there, everyone! posted by BlueOracle
  • BlueOracle

    Thanks, picklefingers! The content here is great from what I've seen. I'm very happy about that and I plan to contribute. I like reading news, and I also enjoy a good conversation about it, so it's a relief to have a more civil community here. Things can get so ugly online, it's sad. Anyway, I look forward to getting to know this site better and I hope to see you around. :)

    • picklefingers

      Yup. It is definitely a nice relief from reddit where you have entire networks of subs (e.g. /r/subredditdrama) just to keep up with the constant drama.

      • BlueOracle

        LOL, my feeling exactly. I wanted so much to like Reddit, and I really tried, but gosh! I'm not sure what's going on there. I think it's just not managed properly, or maybe it's just not for me? IDK. The more I explored the less I liked it. It's kind of a cesspool TBH. I'm trying not to rant about it. ;)

        Love the fingers, BTW. Reminds me of Salad Fingers.

        • Gozzin

          It's kind of a cesspool TBH.

          I agree. Some of the sub reddits are ok,but most of the site caters to the lowest common denominator. This place is indeed much nicer and it's better looking as well.

          • ttubravesrock

            and the 'rpg' concept is neat too.

          • BlueOracle
            @ttubravesrock -

            Yeah, I like it. They had me at "stay a while and listen" on the prologue page. I though, "I don't have time! Just identify my items!" ;)

          • drunkenninja
            @BlueOracle -

            Hah, any good legendaries? :D

          • BlueOracle

            The Snapzu interface is fantastic. The site is super slick and visually pleasing. If they can grow their user base and still find a way to manage content so it doesn't get ugly, that would be great. :D

            Good to meet you, BTW.

      • bkool

        Haha yea I've seen that before