Text Post: FAQ for New Members posted by MadMonk
  • MadMonk

    I haven't seen anything saying that you must have an english tribe.

    • rothelys

      Thank you, i just wanted to ask before I'm doing something "wrong".

      • eilyra

        Hmm, on the other hand there is this (sadly) in the voting FAQ under the "When should I down vote a snap?" heading (emphasis mine):

        Users should down vote snaps that don't belong in the specified tribe, aren't in English, include offensive or lack-luster content, or are obvious spam. Simply not finding it interesting should not warrant a down vote, as down votes are a great tool for crowd-sourced quality control of the content shown.

        I'm not sure how this relates to primarily non-English tribes though if the content is only posted there or to tribes that aren't in English. Thought I'd give you a heads up just in case. :)

        • ProtoJazz

          Yeah, I'm wondering about this too. For the tribe I started, a lot of content could be in other languages, and I also don't want to ban it, just maybe have people flag it as nonenglish if it's not obvious. There's so much stuff that would be understandable and useful even if not in English though

        • rothelys (edited 9 years ago)

          I didn't even thought about cross-posting, just as an example /t/norge . There will be like 90% things be written in norwegian instead of english without closing out people who want to write in english since the don't speak norwegian so they can also write there.

          I can see a point in not wanting this by admins cause mostly the won't speak that language and so for they don't know what the content is about.

        • gabe2068

          Well I am thinking more along the lines of like learning a language. Support tribes for people that are learning a language.