  • Appaloosa

    Well that was encouraging!

    • CrookedTale

      It's not meant to scare anyone. That is the world we live in and we need to understand that. The fear goes away once people learn to deal with it appropriately or in my case inappropriately. At this second there is company out there compiling tons of data to see how they can profit on the 18 to 27 affluent female thoughts and preferences. That's how brands are built. Once the view of the target audiences change than the companies change the adds, shows, movies, and news. The company I work for does this allllll the time. When things in the social world wide web change the programing,scripts, and promotions change. The government is definitely good at getting data but not so great at using it. With that being said I would like everyone to be more piratical for the next 6 months I guarantee that we will have a very interesting change in media.