  • CrookedTale

    This hits home for me. The scary idea that any website can be forced to give years of information on users to the government. It is bad enough that many companies can pay just to get that information any time they want. Heck half the time you can go directly to a companies website and you give them all of your information for free. Then they sell it. Lets just say.. no lets IMAGINE that a company reserves the right to your information as soon as you click the LIKE, FOLLOW, or SHARE button. Let's imagine that millions of people give up their information so willingly to a company that the fact that the Government has to ASK for information almost becomes ridiculous. Lets imagine a world were this data, your data, is used to build brands and mold thought for news, television, products. Lets imagine that this data can be sold as a hot commodity that is worth more than actual money in most cases. Lets imagine that the newest group of IT engineers work on nothing but gathering information and have no problem with following people around and feeding big data because that is were the prestige and the money is. A new generation of coders and script junkies who never ask "Is this right?" but more often ask "How much will I get paid?" What a world that would be right? The government has nothing on Big Data as we see it today. The Government is years behind in dealing with data and it shows.

    It is a chance we all take when we log on to our computers and surf away. Now you can say "We need transparency to protect us!" but the fact is that all you have to do is open your eyes for once and see what exactly going on. After that you will have to come to grips with the way the world is because there is no way to turn back.

    • Appaloosa

      Well that was encouraging!

      • CrookedTale

        It's not meant to scare anyone. That is the world we live in and we need to understand that. The fear goes away once people learn to deal with it appropriately or in my case inappropriately. At this second there is company out there compiling tons of data to see how they can profit on the 18 to 27 affluent female thoughts and preferences. That's how brands are built. Once the view of the target audiences change than the companies change the adds, shows, movies, and news. The company I work for does this allllll the time. When things in the social world wide web change the programing,scripts, and promotions change. The government is definitely good at getting data but not so great at using it. With that being said I would like everyone to be more piratical for the next 6 months I guarantee that we will have a very interesting change in media.