Text Post: Another new user posted by mcoorlim
  • mcoorlim

    Oh, you know. Identity, the persistence of memory, the nature of reality, class warfare, dragons both literal and metaphoric, steampunk automatons, the inexorable future, the past that never was.

    Just stuff.

    • CrookedTale

      If you have any insight on steampunk I would love to read it or hear it. I have a quest to learn about the culture this year and I am taking Snapzu along for the ride.

      • mcoorlim

        Last year I had a weekly podcast called "That Which is Known" which tackled various topics from my books, and one of the first episodes was "What is steampunk?" which covered its origins and development into a maker culture.

        I stopped doing the podcast after 30 or so episodes because I didn't have the time for it anymore, but I did upload the first few episodes onto YouTube. One of the first was "What is Steampunk?" covering its origins, development, and the growth of steampunk's maker culture. Professor Elemental, noted chap hop musician, even let me use an intro from one of his songs.

        Here's a link to the video.

        • CrookedTale (edited 8 years ago)

          If you want you can dump anything like this over into the steampunk tribe. We love to learn.