  • drunkenninja

    The general concept is very similar to reddit which is great because its easy enough to understand, however there are so many awesome features beyond the first glance that it gets addictive. I actually made a snap a while back about some of the best features, its a bit outdated but still worth a look.

    • ObiWanShinobi

      I just found that entirely on my own a minute or two ago. Yeah, I love the experience feature and the Rep %. This site combines a lot of cool ideas, some of which Reddit definitely missed out on.

    • Splitfish
      @ObiWanShinobi -

      Gotta be patient with the REP. It goes up slowly, but rightfully so.

    • ObiWanShinobi
      @Splitfish -

      Heh, yeah I figured. I've only been here one day, so it hasn't even had a chance to update yet. But it's a really good idea.

    • Splitfish
      @ObiWanShinobi -

      Yeah i think it tallies up once a day. Usually around midnight Eastern time.