  • callmefish

    Welcome snapper! (I dunno what we'd call ourselves, really, but I like that. It should be a thing) I'm a reddit expat as well and came to the same conclusion.

    To echo @GeniusIComeAnon - I have seen more civil,adult behavior here in regards to difference of opinion.

    More "we'll just have to agree to disagree" and move on. Less "yeah, well, your mom is fat, you're stupid and I'm gonna downvote you and have a tantrum"

    I would like to say that's an exaggerated over-generalization of redditors, but alas...

    • KingAztek

      Snapzites! The term is snapzites, haha. I remember there being a thread or two on this

      • callmefish (edited 9 years ago)

        Now that you mention it, I do recall reading that somewhere here, when I was first exploring; because at the time, I wasn't sure if I'd stick around, the term never registered. Anyway, grazzi! :)

        [edit: spelling]