  • drunkenninja (edited 9 years ago)

    Hey there, welcome to the site! Judging from your post you appear to have read the prologue. So just a reminder on a couple of the very first rules that appear there:

    1. Don't spam. Please keep in mind that we are a close-knit community and spam is unwelcome here. Posts that look like obvious spam are typically down-voted by the community and may trigger a domain ban or account deletion.

    2. Self-promotion is allowed, but we ask that you follow the 10% sharing rule. If over 10% of your contributions to Snapzu consist of submitting links to a site(s) that you own or otherwise benefit from in some way, and additionally if you do not participate in discussions, or reply to people’s comments, you may be viewed as a spammer.

    BTW, please be sure to triple check on the rules and etiquette! Cheers :D