Text Post: [IDEA] Reddit Refugees thread posted by folkrav
  • djsparky

    I agree, I was looking at other alternatives, and I think this one is similar and different enough to be something new and exciting.

    I came to reddit during the digg mass exodus, so now is another one.

    • TiengAnh (edited 8 years ago)

      Same here. Voat looks good too, but it just keeps going down; I understand there isn't enough money for proper servers or something.

      Reddit seems to have gone the way of Digg which went the way of Plastic.com, which later resurfaced as infinitetrees.com, in case anyone remembers that. (The latter seems all rather mysterious right now; maybe I'll sign up and see what's there; the former just doesn't do anything or go anywhere as far as I can tell.) This is from the nineties; I'm old.

      I intend to look around here and get active as time allows. Not going to be as passive as I was as on Reddit - there I was usually just hanging back and watching. I like the idea of starting "tribes".

      I do like the interface. Much more elegant and "grown up" than Reddit.

      • [Deleted Profile]

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    • Nerdeiro

      I saw the writing on the wall when Reddit's CEO Ellen Pao came up with all that talk about making Reddit "a safer place", but I was too lazy to look for an alternative before. Today was the proverbial straw.

      As another Digg refugee, I'm starting to understand how my Jewish ancestors felt, being forced from one place to another during the Diaspora.

    • Gish

      Only problem I have seen so far is load times. More than likely due to the recent "Reddit Refugees".