Text Post: [IDEA] Reddit Refugees thread posted by folkrav
  • TiengAnh

    I hope there might be plans for a "night mode" though, like in RES. Or maybe it does exist and I just haven't looked around enough yet...

    • Erik

      Amen to that, bright white interfaces hurt my eyes.

    • djsparky

      I'm still kinda confused by some things on here, actually most of them. But I'm trying to learn.

    • Ghostzebra (edited 8 years ago)
      @djsparky -

      Me too, do you know where you go to see your 3 invite codes after you've joined?? I feel so lost!

    • friberg
      @Ghostzebra -

      Click on your own little avatar-icon in the top bar, and in the same row as the PM's there should be an "invite codes" title! Click it :)!