  • eggpl4nt

    Oh decidedly. That's the whole point of invite codes, is to invite people you trust. I hope people aren't throwing out codes willy-nilly.

      • bogdan (edited 8 years ago)

        Surely those are all kind-hearted, well-balanced people, there's no way they can be mean, right?

        But in all honesty, at least Reddit people are educated to an extent regarding how to behave in an online discussion board.

        If I gave a code to one of my real life friends who had no contact with anything of the sort, they'd probably find some way to misuse the system, since they have no idea what should happen around here. Not saying you shouldn't give out codes, just that it's nearly impossible to know how any person would fit in here in advance.

        • KaliYugaz

          If they turn out to be assholes, they'll be banned, right? : )

          • bogdan

            I've seen a guy getting banned for trolling his way around here, so I suppose that does happen. I'm not that old here myself, in truth.

      • kyledaug

        Hey, that's where I came from! Most people in r/RedditAlternatives really seem to be searching for a good community and thoughtful discussion so those invites should be in good hands :D

        • KaliYugaz

          I actually came from there too! Tried to sign up through email, but it took too long.

          • kyledaug

            Same situation here! Honestly, I feel like the people in that community are the exact demographic that Snapzu should be targeting. They all seem to just want something new and everyone has been very helpful

          • KaliYugaz
            @kyledaug -

            I'll try to get the badacademics crowd to spend time over here too, if I can. That would enrich Snapzu a lot.

          • kyledaug
            @KaliYugaz -

            That's good to hear! I'm really liking the site so far and once some of the smaller tribes get up and running it should be great