  • i208khonsu

    I did not know you can block people's posts in Snapzu until recently. And honestly I still don't know how to do it. Perhaps the answer here is to make this more accessible. Similar to how it's implemented in Facebook. Options to just hide a particular post you don't want to ignore, or hide all content from a specific user; with additional options to report the post to a moderator. After all what's an asshole to one person may be a perfectly reasonable individual to another.

    • drunkenninja

      This functionality is freely available in your feed, its all located in the little gray arrow to the right of every event within your feed. Clicking on the arrow will display a menu of the things you can do. One of them being to unfollow the person or to set specific view settings for them. I took some notes on making this function more accessible.

      • i208khonsu

        So I need to turn comments on in my feed and be subscribed to the tribe that their posting in order to block someone based on their comments?