  • drunkenninja

    I checked out the /t/mud tribe and joined! You know what would be awesome, if there was some sort of intro/guide to the world of MUD so us newbie new comers can have something to quickly get acquainted with. Even just a few links, a general explanation and some good resources would do the trick I think. Also, if it was a text post it can be stickied above all other posts.

    • caelreth

      I can do that. It's been a bit of a chicken-and-egg thing with me so far. I mean, until you joined, there were 3 members - the former chief and someone I know in RL who already knows MUDs :) But, you're right, I should spend some time sprucing the place up. And thanks for joining! Who knows? Maybe I'll drag you in to the world of text gaming!

      • drunkenninja

        I had a chance to play a mobile text based game about a year back and really enjoyed it. I'm not sure how that ties into the MUD concept, but I would be more than willing to give it a shot.

        • caelreth

          Which game was it? Do you remember?

          • drunkenninja

            I think it was called A Dark Room, but I can be wrong.

          • caelreth
            @drunkenninja -

            Haven't heard of that one, but I'll go hunting :)

            In any event, I'll get some resources up there soon and see if I can't tantalize people with the allure of text-based gaming... :P

          • caelreth
            @drunkenninja -

            Oh, I remember that game. No, it's not much like a MUD at all :)