
What is your go-to hobby, sport, activity that helps take your mind off the every day stresses of life?

I'm big into fishing and try to go at least twice a month for a couple of days at a time to get away and get my mind off things. In the spring we do trolling (from a small boat) or shore fishing and in the winter should it be cold enough we do ice fishing. I find that fishing relaxes me and helps me focus on my goals in life. I am however looking for another activity to do that isn't to intense on the mind but more of a relaxing getaway that lets my brain rest up. Lets hear what everyone else does for relaxation!

8 years ago by drunkenninja with 34 comments

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  • caelreth

    Playing/creating MUDs (/t/mud) and reading.

    • drunkenninja

      I checked out the /t/mud tribe and joined! You know what would be awesome, if there was some sort of intro/guide to the world of MUD so us newbie new comers can have something to quickly get acquainted with. Even just a few links, a general explanation and some good resources would do the trick I think. Also, if it was a text post it can be stickied above all other posts.

      • caelreth

        I can do that. It's been a bit of a chicken-and-egg thing with me so far. I mean, until you joined, there were 3 members - the former chief and someone I know in RL who already knows MUDs :) But, you're right, I should spend some time sprucing the place up. And thanks for joining! Who knows? Maybe I'll drag you in to the world of text gaming!

        • drunkenninja

          I had a chance to play a mobile text based game about a year back and really enjoyed it. I'm not sure how that ties into the MUD concept, but I would be more than willing to give it a shot.

          • caelreth

            Which game was it? Do you remember?

            • drunkenninja

              I think it was called A Dark Room, but I can be wrong.

            • caelreth
              @drunkenninja -

              Haven't heard of that one, but I'll go hunting :)

              In any event, I'll get some resources up there soon and see if I can't tantalize people with the allure of text-based gaming... :P

            • caelreth
              @drunkenninja -

              Oh, I remember that game. No, it's not much like a MUD at all :)

  • aj0690

    Video games and poker.

    • baron778

      Low stakes poker ;)

      • aj0690

        Low stakes is where it's at. No stakes is not fun.

  • jcscher

    Just being outside in the summer,but in the fall and winter I read a lot.

    • ttubravesrock

      I'm actually close to the opposite. If it's over 80F, I just want to find a cool spot and read. In the winter I spend all day outside.

    • drunkenninja

      Doesn't get anymore simple than that. If only more of us made the effort to actually go outside :)

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  • niceguyeddie

    Is meditation too obvious? It really does work! 20 minutes is all it takes, it's fairly easy to learn too.

  • tehdiplomat

    Board gaming. A healthy dose of competition and socialization helps me relax. Hell even playing a stressful game like Space Alert helps me relax since it switches the focus away from the labors of everyday life.

    • drunkenninja

      I love board games. What are your faves?

      • wickedmountain

        Life and Stratego :)

      • tehdiplomat

        Depends on my mood, Agricola and Power Grid for long games. Space Alert for coops. Oh and I'd be remiss to pick Diplomacy for games where you lose friends. I've been on a bit of a role deduction kick lately... How about yourself?

        • drunkenninja

          The 3 that come to mind for me are Balderdash, Cranium and Risk.

      • caelreth

        Risk, Trivial Pursuit and Battleship are probably my favorites. Until I think of the ones I'm missing :)

    • caelreth

      Aye, board games are fun. Though, at the moment, if I play a board game, it's with my 7 and 8 year olds, so they tend not be my personal favorite games. But at least the kids enjoy them :)

  • junioreconomist

    I, too, enjoy fishing. I'm a fly fisherman. There's something about wading into a stream and pulling a fish out of it. The rush of the water and the intense focus on one task that is tedious and repetitive allows me to really live in the moment without making perfect moments of past situations or worrying about my future. It's great to feel so intensely what is happening at that exact time, and it helps me to deal with anxiety better than any medication could.

    • drunkenninja

      Hell yeah, I haven't done much fly fishing (did a little when I was younger) but I have a couple of buddies that are bragging about how great their trips have been recently. I'll have to hit up a stream and give it another go.

      • junioreconomist

        It's all about the wading for me. You don't need a fly rod to wade into a stream, but I enjoy the art of presenting a fly in a way that a fish will go for it. My dream is to catch a salmon on a fly.

  • PeopleShelf

    Gaming: this is the trusted and tested go to hobby for me. Since I was 10, I have delved into different worlds that have taught me a lot. Reading...very similar to gaming. Walking...going for a good ole walk is always relaxing and always good for the mind.

  • Gozzin

    I like playing card games. Me and friends play once a month.

    • doodlegirl

      Cribbage is my go-to card game! But it requires a little bit more than cards to play.

  • pixelboot

    I crochet amigurumi. I usually work on a project a couple times a week, and I usually finish one every couple weeks or so. It's really relaxing to do, and I give away 90% of what I make which is also a really great feeling.

  • Fooferhill

    Field hockey. I also practice mindfulness. And breed Alpaca. I find vastly different interests keeps me happy and meeting really different people.