Text Post: Meaningless XP posted by paiser
  • bogdan

    I mean, sure, I don't mind it. But you and me are already people who have a head start.

    I'm thinking sometime in the future people are going to be level 1 and they might be scared to comment because of others picking on them because of it. They should have the option to make it private if they so wish. All of this is just speculation, but it is plausible nonetheless.

    • jarekb84

      I had the opposite reaction. Instead of being scared off, I was excited when a higher level user replies to me or comments on my snaps. Has the feeling of "Sweet, someone with more experience/knowledge has something to say about something I wrote".

    • LacquerCritic

      It is plausible, but as a newbie when I saw my "level 1" I just wanted to get started (and trust me, I'm one to get intimidated as a new user - it took me months to comment on reddit). And of course, it helps that I get a very cheerful notification telling me I got XP just for talking to someone nice! The level system really isn't intimidating, and it's been very helpful in finding out who knows more about the site, who to follow, etc.