
Meaningless XP

I see no face value for these xp points or levels. I mean whats the point? Especially when so many people on reddit loved the lurker status.

If anyone wants to take a jab at this or at me, please explain a better interruption why xp points are needed. Shit, this isn't Final Fantasy.

9 years ago by paiser with 30 comments

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Conversation 15 comments by 10 users
  • MadMonk

    Exp limits the things that new members can do a bit, making them slow down and learn the site a bit. Its also a way to encourage participation in the site instead of mindless consuming.

    • utesred

      I think you've got the key right there, MadMonk.

      At reddit, I was almost exclusively a 'lurker'. Sure, I would post occasionally, but it was far more common for me to sit back and just read. The XP, in conjunction with the smaller and more intimate size of the site has really encouraged me to participate more. While I don't like being limited in terms of functionality at all, I do enjoy contributing. I can't deny that it's fun to get occasional 'level up' notifications, either!

      • dannycdannydo

        Aaaaand you were downvoted. That's what you get for contributing. Here, have an upvote.

        • cmagnificent

          Upon examination of the OPs profile it would appear that he or she has not acclimated to the attitudes and culture of snapzu quite yet, particularly the positivity and extreme reluctance to use the downvote button.

          • VoyagerXyX

            It's funny you say this I've noticed that about myself now. I hate that button now, I hate even looking at it. I haven't used it once. At worst it's become a refusal to upvote. Look at Snapzu making me all self-reflective and stuff.

            • cmagnificent

              Wait you're actually thinking about how your actions influence the broader community? Those bastards!

              This must be stopped before I realize there's another human being with a life, mind and emotions on the other side of this screen I'm talking to!

            • VoyagerXyX
              @cmagnificent -

              Flipped through your comment history real quick. I look forward to shaking your hand someday, sir.

            • cmagnificent
              @VoyagerXyX -

              Aw, shucks, you're gonna make me blush.

            • VoyagerXyX
              @cmagnificent -

              Don't do it! You'll look like a fool in front of all of these people! (We're really off topic so I'm going to stop commenting now.) ^_^ Cheers!

          • Gozzin

            Upon examination of the OPs profile it would appear that he or she has not acclimated to the attitudes and culture of snapzu quite yet

            Yeah,that is painfully obvious.

    • paiser

      Like how your email had to be verified? The mindless consuming was great because anyone, I mean even a person who needs to (somehow make a quick account for what ever odd reason/maybe running from the NSA or something or throwaway) create a quick post that was somehow relevant to the online community. I don't know it really does seem meaningless in a sense where this website is trying to make you "like" your account so your attached.

      • MadMonk

        With exp, you can't just make new accounts to downvote things into oblivion, or register a million new tribes. The email verification isn't required, and not verifying doesn't actually affect your account. All in all, it mitigates trollish behavior, and incentivizes participations

      • Moderator

        in a sense where this website is trying to make you "like" your account so your attached.

        Yeah, I think that's kind of the point. This is a different experience from reddit, so you may need a paradigm shift.

        • Autodidact420

          The major thing I can think of about cheap throw away accounts is well... throw away accounts, for answering or commenting or asking questions on/about matters you'd rather not have your IRL friends see or whatever.

          • LacquerCritic

            It's still possible to make a new account to answer questions that you may not want IRL people to see - it's just that that new account won't have the ability to go causing a lot of problems elsewhere on the site, via the downvote limit and so on. Snapzu's methods are hardly restrictive, but they are designed to encourage people to invest their time into being a good user.

  • Moderator

    The XP system, along with the site's other features, has actually done well to make this a community of users who care — about the quality of their posts, their reputation, even each other. Being a user here is more fun, and it's less anonymous than reddit. This encourages and rewards good behavior, and makes misbehaving a truly stupid option.

    Lurkers will lurk, and everyone is fine with that. They don't care whether there's an XP system or not, but there are many users who like it.

  • dannycdannydo

    I think XP and the level system can motivate a more active community. You'll notice that as you level up you can do more and more stuff like increase the number of tribes you can post your snaps to.

    A particularly good use of it came yesterday. Users are now limited in the number of downvotes they can give based on their level. That means you can't just get people/bots coming in and just mass downvoting, so that good submissions never get seen.

    Alternatively, the levels are what you should now base your entire self worth from. Those with higher levels are innately better than you, and those with lower should be sneered at.

    • bogdan (edited 9 years ago)

      the levels are what you should now base your entire self worth from. Those with higher levels are innately better than you, and those with lower should be sneered at.

      Respect us, you level 7 scum!

      In all seriousness, that is perhaps the reason why I feel like maybe it would be a good idea to have the levels kept private. Leveling is great, but there's no need for everyone to see it.

      • Moderator

        I actually think many users probably like that it's visible. It makes them feel good, so if no one else can see it they might lose motivation to level up, and participation will drop. Smart system.

        I find it useful, in general.

        • bogdan

          I mean, sure, I don't mind it. But you and me are already people who have a head start.

          I'm thinking sometime in the future people are going to be level 1 and they might be scared to comment because of others picking on them because of it. They should have the option to make it private if they so wish. All of this is just speculation, but it is plausible nonetheless.

          • jarekb84

            I had the opposite reaction. Instead of being scared off, I was excited when a higher level user replies to me or comments on my snaps. Has the feeling of "Sweet, someone with more experience/knowledge has something to say about something I wrote".

          • LacquerCritic

            It is plausible, but as a newbie when I saw my "level 1" I just wanted to get started (and trust me, I'm one to get intimidated as a new user - it took me months to comment on reddit). And of course, it helps that I get a very cheerful notification telling me I got XP just for talking to someone nice! The level system really isn't intimidating, and it's been very helpful in finding out who knows more about the site, who to follow, etc.

        • paiser

          No I second bogdan

  • bogdan

    I didn't feel like XP was a good idea either. I mean other sites are doing just fine without it and that's awesome.

    However, the leveling system rewards the persons who are more active. It makes you want to participate more, and it gives less power to random trolls who are only looking to disrupt the atmosphere.

    • jarekb84

      Gamification increases engagement, question is will the content quality keep up as more people join. Reputation should stifle the grinders who output low quality posts.

  • AinBaya (edited 9 years ago)

    My guess would be, to unlock the rewards you get when you level up you need to contribute to the community. When people have those cool things then its understood they are an active part of the site.

  • phosphorescent

    Experience seems to give you access to more customization, more tribe joining, etc. I think the whole point is to stop people from lurking. Even out the community, encourage more people to participate.

  • Cheesemangeur

    Like many others have said, having XP has two consequences:

    - It limits the amount of trolling and bots.

    - It makes the user more involved with their personal account, encourages posting content and comments of good value.

    If a user is not interested in leveling up that is fine, and although they won't have the full functionality of the website, they'll still be able to use the website easily with little restriction.
    I see people commenting on the fact that with the levels being public, the people with higher levels will look down on you...it's never happened so far, and it really doesn't match the snapzu community. People with high levels have started from scratch and so they just wouldn't do it.

    To me, the level up system, xp and achievements are an integral part of snapzu, and contribute to making it different from other sites.

  • zaywolfe

    The things you get from having xp aren't really useful things for a lurker. Having a profile title and banner image will just draw more attention to the lurker. I wouldn't think it's an issue.

  • Fooferhill

    I like the XP system. The feel of SNAPZU is great so the formula must be right. I like that this is a difference from other sites.