Text Post: Meaningless XP posted by paiser
  • paiser

    Like how your email had to be verified? The mindless consuming was great because anyone, I mean even a person who needs to (somehow make a quick account for what ever odd reason/maybe running from the NSA or something or throwaway) create a quick post that was somehow relevant to the online community. I don't know it really does seem meaningless in a sense where this website is trying to make you "like" your account so your attached.

    • MadMonk

      With exp, you can't just make new accounts to downvote things into oblivion, or register a million new tribes. The email verification isn't required, and not verifying doesn't actually affect your account. All in all, it mitigates trollish behavior, and incentivizes participations

    • Moderator

      in a sense where this website is trying to make you "like" your account so your attached.

      Yeah, I think that's kind of the point. This is a different experience from reddit, so you may need a paradigm shift.

      • Autodidact420

        The major thing I can think of about cheap throw away accounts is well... throw away accounts, for answering or commenting or asking questions on/about matters you'd rather not have your IRL friends see or whatever.

        • LacquerCritic

          It's still possible to make a new account to answer questions that you may not want IRL people to see - it's just that that new account won't have the ability to go causing a lot of problems elsewhere on the site, via the downvote limit and so on. Snapzu's methods are hardly restrictive, but they are designed to encourage people to invest their time into being a good user.