  • chloe

    I get where you're coming from, but I see two major problems:

    first, there isn't really a finite dictionary of curse words. "fuck" is a no-brainer, but would "ass" be on the list of censored words?

    second, never underestimate people's ability to be incredibly vulgar with words you'd hear in a children's program, even. it just takes the right combination.

    because of the above issues, I don't see this being simple/elegant to implement.

    • eilyra

      first, there isn't really a finite dictionary of curse words. "fuck" is a no-brainer, but would "ass" be on the list of censored words?

      In addition to this, how would curse words in foreign languages be handled? Trying to integrate those as well might censor quite a few innocent looking usernames.

    • QuietKerfuffle

      There were plenty of wonderful and clever people behind some of reddit's vulgar usernames.