
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

So how is everybody's Thanksgiving going today? Mine is pretty good. My wife put the Turkey in at 9:00 am so we had a very early thanksgiving dinner. I haven't even had my first glass of wine and my son is still in his PJ's and BAM we are eating! Was good. I am spending the rest of the afternoon trying to find out how to send body armor and masks to the protestors at Standing Rock. They have a Amazon wish list but Amazon will not let me send the items to their area, so I am trying to get a different address. I am not spending my Thanksgiving with my extended family so I asked my wife and son to get into random political/religious discussions with me. My son has also brought my life choices (piracy) into question many times. Still it's not the same as fighting with the parents and siblings :( sadface. So what is everyone else doing today?

So it seems amazon will let me send the protesters socks. Maybe if I by a bazillion of them they can strap them to their shirts and give them some cushioning.

8 years ago by CrookedTale with 21 comments

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  • jerinoos

    Nice long 4 day weekend here! Nothing too crazy but also nothing too busy. I'm just worried about the weight gain from all the delicious food!

    • CrookedTale

      Drinking 2 glasses of wine before, during, and after a big meal reduces caloric intake by 20%. Read that on the internet long ago and lived by it. I'm still chubby but I'm a happy chubby!

  • xXwraithXx

    Happy Thanksgiving America! I don't really know what we're gonna do for the day. but it's still early so anything can happen.

    • CrookedTale

      We say happy Thanksgiving to the rest of the world who do not celebrate it because the lack of turkeys and cranberries and such. I don't know why the US has so many holidays crammed into three months of the year other than possibly to help the clothing and gym industry gain a few bucks because we all eat and drink until we are fat and lethargic. Tomorrow I will be 6 pounds heavier and wondering what the hell am I going to do with 3 empty boxes of wine because I was to lazy and fat the night before to throw them out. My wife is already telling me that wine boxes don't belong in the bathroom. It's called multi tasking Duh! I love the holidays though but there is not a lot of thanksgiving music to share, you would think that the US would have tons of thanksgiving music because it's a YUGE holiday, but they don't. Plus most of the singers are Canadian. When is the Canadian equivalent of Thanksgiving?

  • grandsalami

    Happy Thanksgiving from my family to all yours. Enjoy the hangover!

    • CrookedTale

      I hope you have a good, fat, and fabulous Thanksgiving. I once thought, in a hangover haze, that turkey omelets sounded great! They do not, I threw up. So I have that going for me.

  • twoBits

    Happy to hear you're having a good Thanksgiving. Ours was pretty good too. We had Thanksgiving with our neighbors today. We split the cooking duties and all met at their place around 1:30pm CST. They have 3 girls and we have 3 girls all around the same age so it works out pretty well; until the fighting starts of course. ;)

    The only bad part is I am on-call this week. Interestingly, my wife and I were hurriedly attempting to get all the food together before 1:30 and ( of course ) I get all call. Luckily, it didn't take to long to resolve and we weren't too late.

    • CrookedTale (edited 8 years ago)

      My wife has been on call the whole day, home health nurse, which is why I think she started cooking early. She didn't get called in though, which is good, but she is on call until 8:00 am tomorrow which means if someone has a bit of heartburn tonight she may have to run out. Luckily she does not drink wine like a fish or me. I am on call 24/7/365 internationally but fuck Singapore. If they have problems they can wait until tomorrow, which I suppose is now. I can do my job half drunk anyway so no big deal really. It's just media and money anyway. I would have loved to spend Thanksgiving with my neighbors but I am the president of the HOA so they loath me. I had one complaint on Monday about the amount of stray cats in the neighborhood. Like what am I supposed to do! shoot them because they are an inconvenience to you? I hate them also but for fricks sake do they expect me to be cat wrangler extraordinaire? I hope the call didn't screw you up too much and you had a wonderful thanksgiving!

  • OL44893

    And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well!

    Let's see... I live outside of the USofA and so shan't be actually having Thanksgiving until Sunday (my time, or Saturday USofA time). And so today, I have this on my list to do:

    1. finish cleaning the house -- vacuum, clean kitchen, sweep front porch

    2. make pie crusts -- one regular, one graham cracker (graham crackers are not available here so this is going to be a gingersnap one)

    3. salt the turkey

    4. make pink pickle juice for the deviled eggs

    5. boil the eggs for deviled eggs

    6. make the jalapeƱo cornbread for cornbread salad

    7. chop & prep for tomorrow's pre-cooking (onions, celery,...)

    8. make pretty ice ring for the punch

    And that's it for today! Oh, all this is enjoyed with martinis & snacks, of course.

    • Appaloosa

      Don't forget to turk the bastey.

      • OL44893

        On it ;) It's evolved to be a tradition -- each Thanksgiving features a special martini for the prepping and cooking. This year? Rose martini And ohmygosh YUMmmmmeee!

    • CrookedTale

      WOW, That's a lot of work. I did stand in line for 1/2 of an hour yesterday at the pie shop to pick up pumpkin pies. So I can say I did something.

      • OL44893

        Pie is the most important part!

  • darvinhg

    Thursday Night Football!

    • CrookedTale (edited 8 years ago)

      If I was with my extended family that would be a thing! Just turning on the football and falling asleep 1/2 hour into the game!!!!! I am not a big football fan but I miss the nap and the snoring. The ladies would be doing the dishes to the sweet sweet sound of logs being cut! I remember my dad and brothers and I went hunting on thanksgiving night once which consisted of sitting in a shack and sleeping while the ladies made food. We would arrive just in time for supper then immediately fall asleep watching football afterwords. Only shot a deer once in my life and I was like "Crap I have to drag that damn thing out of the woods now!" But the sausage was goooooooood!!!!!! Anyway Happy Thanksgiving to you ! Hope your regional athletics team does awesome today!!!!!

  • CrookedTale (edited 8 years ago)

    So anyways the wine is running out which means nostalgia thoughts Thanksgiving time before I hit the harder stuff! Can I get a woot woot!!!! So being away from the extended family has made me miss some of those great traditions everyone has durring the holidays. One of my favorites was, after we ate, we would go down to H.C. Pranges in Sheboygan to see the animatronic Christmas display. This was the 70's and early 80's ( I was to young in the 60's to remember it) before everything went digital or the old people died and the new generation could not figure out how to set this stuff up. Anyways they had all these wonderful animatronics mice and elves making toys and whatnot and ice skating children skating their lives away in a winter wonderland while Christmas music would play from the mono speakers and our eyes would light up with just the thought of Santa Clause. Good times for a kid! I kinda miss that and I wish my son, now a teenager, could experience it. Instead we have a tree lighting ceremony on Market Street tomorrow with the theme "Guns Across America!" or some such thing because the south. Now I am not against guns, I carry, but I think we missed the Holiday Spirit being in the south. We should all be like Loving Santa and such but the current political climate ensures I will have to deal with street preachers and protesters who both think that the way we live our lives are evil. Any way, do any of you have Thanksgiving traditions that you still do or maybe miss?

    Edit: wow, a bit long winded there. sorry. I blame the wine.

    • AdelleChattre
      • CrookedTale

        That's the first time I actually got a "Woot Woot"! on the internet! My life is complete now. I will have to return to my kind! Peace be with you and all earthlings! May your teapot never overflow and your tents never get that musty smell they get when you put them away wet.