  • Axiomatic (edited 8 years ago)

    From what I have seen, I don't think we have to worry about the Snapzu team being anywhere near as corporate and money-driven as Ellen Pao's regime over at Reddit. With that said though, money is a force to be reckoned with, and it is capable of manipulating and changing many people. But I'd be surprised to see it happen to Snapzu anytime soon. It'd be nice to get to know the administration once they have time to introduce themselves though.

    • OMalley

      It probably won't happen until Snapzu gets larger and needs external funds to further its development. Then investors can ask to have a say in the decisions, which is reasonable but risk to be the beginning of money-driven actions.

    • Jello

      To be fair Pao was under a lot of pressure to monetize a site that is anti-monetization in a way that few other communities are. If Snapzu finds a way to monetize this thing in a way that the community is cool with I don't see them having a lot of issues. However this is easier said than done.