Text Post: Looking good so far! posted by ConsciousBox
  • microfracture (edited 9 years ago)

    Hello ConsciousBox,
    Welcome to the Snapzu community. Glad to see that you are excited to be here. I am sure you will find Snapzu to be an excellent place to visit.
    We are all definitely hoping for the eventual site API to come out so that mobile apps can be made. lol

    Here are a few links below to help you get acquainted with the Snapzu community.
    What is Snapzu? | Frequently Asked Questions | Tribe Index | New Tribes

    As for specific recommendations for Tribes we would need to know some of your interests.
    Anyway, If you have any other questions please feel free to ask. :)

    (Also, /u/idlethreat can read the future! hehe)

    • ConsciousBox

      Thanks for the links! :3

      As /u/idlethreat said, you guys have Top Men on the mobile dev team. So I'll be looking forward to that too ^^

      No need to rush anything, take your time and make it good ;)