  • nightships

    Loving the site aesthetics so far, but I'm not sure if I'm just not used to the layout or the features are different. On reddit, I was picky about my subscriptions because I hate it when subs I don't care about clutter my feed. On Snapzu, when I go to the front page, it has I think all the default subs? Because I definitely did not subscribe to /t/fatpeoplehate but I still saw the post from there. In the Tribe Feed, it only shows my subscribed Tribe, but it shows it on a per comment basis.. so instead of seeing thread titles, or even the tribe where it was posted, I just see a comment. And if I click the comment, it links me to the page... of just the comment. Not even the thread itself! So it's a little inconveniencing, to say the least. I'm sure there's probably a better way to do this but so far I haven't figured it out. I do think the Tribe Feed could use work though - at the very least each comment should have the tribe it's posted under listed somewhere, because right now it's pretty confusing and it takes a minimum of 2 clicks/page loads to understand the context of any comment. Hope I made sense.

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