  • drunkenninja

    Hi /u/Xendeth, firstly welcome to Snapzu! If you're looking for an overview of popular tribes on snapzu, you can visit the tribe index page. For new tribes you can check out the /t/newtribes tribe, and if you click on the "Tribes" tab when looking at your profile page, you can locate the "Up-and-coming" tab that will show you many of the recently created tribes that are growing quickly. There are also, /t/technology, /t/technews & /t/gaming as well as many others that may fit your interests.

    • Xendeth

      Thank you! /t/newtribes wasn't one I could find, but I did stumple across the tribe index. Thank you for the recommendations! I'll go check them out now.

    • spaceghoti

      Huh. I scrolled through the tribes index and discovered that neither of mine appear under any category. :)

      • SevenTales

        There are some requirements in activity and size to get on the Tribes Index, though I do not remember the specifics.