  • spaceghoti

    I'm currently working on a project to develop a Windows 10 SOE and our entire team has been cursing Redmond nonstop. At the moment we're trying to establish a default tile setup which gets updated as new programs are added (auto-sorting them in alphabetical order) and lo and behold, the "unpinfromstartmenu" verb is broken.

    Like so many other features in Windows 10.

    It'd be nice if they'd stop breaking their own shit so we had a stable environment for development.

    • Appaloosa

      That is why I don't want to download this monster. There are tomes written on how to fix...and just for fun here is a web page full of web pages of fixes.

      • spaceghoti

        As one of my coworkers observed last week, Windows 10 has been out for a year now. It doesn't speak well that they're still having these problems.

        • Appaloosa (edited 8 years ago)

          And yet is being very aggressively pushed out, but I think I am preaching to the chior, very disappointing.