Text Post: Hello, fellow website users posted by Rathenix
  • Rathenix

    Oh yeah! I've heard about those gamejams. I've been working on getting into game programming in my spare time. I may have to look into that. Right now I live in a pretty rural area (not that rural, but... underdeveloped) so public transportation to and from work is pretty much out of the question. I've been considering audiobooks for my drives, but currently that's my prime music-listening time. I'm hoping to move to a bigger city with a flourishing tech scene in the next year or so to try and find the next step in my career, so maybe then I'll get to use my commute times for something more productive.

    • Qukatt

      Amateur jams are 100% the way to learn quick and dirty coding :D though id start with code academy maybe unless you have a team mate to help lol.

      I half miss living in the middle of nowhere but I would certainly miss good (on time!) public transport. Edinburgh has spoiled me xD

      • Rathenix

        I'm actually already a developer. Well, I'm an analyst these days, but I started as a dev. It's specifically game design that I never really sunk my teeth into. I've een messing around with Unity for C# stuff (my native tongue, so to speak) and Phaser for HTML5/JS games, which I really like.