

In the Snaps FAQ there is a brief mention of a poll module.

Regular modules, which are the building blocks and vital components of a snap, include the text, link, image, video, RSS, poll, and map modules

The reason I'm pointing this out is because I can't find the poll module. Does it actually exist, or is it something that I need to unlock or ?

10 years ago by CoffeeJunky with 3 comments

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  • idlethreat

    There was some form of polling in place a while back... I can't locate the thread, but it was "what was the last movie you watched?" or something like that. People posted IMDB links at the top of the page and the number of upvotes were used. Was a little clunky, but seemed to work OK.

  • drunkenninja

    I've never seen a poll module, so it looks like it might be something that was or is no longer available...

    • bluemtfreerider

      i would like for them to bring it back. im just starting to figure out the modules thing and being able to have a poll and possibly have the data from that poll pop up after you vote would be awesome.