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Japanese - MIT Open Courseware
This course is an introduction to modern standard Japanese with an emphasis on developing proficiency in speaking and listening, using basic grammar and vocabulary. Basic skills in reading and writing are also taught.
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Kana - MIT Open Courseware
Learning hiragana and katakana is an important part of reading and speaking Japanese. The following pages contain: Hiragana - stroke order videos, pronunciation, and vocabulary for each character; reading and listening audio exercises; handouts on how to construct words and sentences; interactive quizzes testing character recognition; and printable worksheets to practice writing characters. Katakana - pronunciation and vocabulary for each character; reading and listening audio exercises;...
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1st Grade Kanji
One of the largest free Japanese language resource websites with 336 lessons.
Weekly Group Vocab List: 7/16/2015
Hello, I want to be able to speak Japanese! But I'm a procrastinator...
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The 4 Most Commonly Believed Myths about Learning Japanese
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Relative Clauses and Sentence Order | Learn Japanese
Have you noticed how, many forms of verbs and the state-of-being conjugate in a similar manner to i-adjectives? Well, that is because, in a sense, they are adjectives. For example, consider the sentence: "The person who did not eat went to bank." The "did not eat" describes the person and in Japanese, you can directly modify the noun 'person' with the clause 'did not eat' just like a regular adjective. This very simple realization will allow us to modify a noun with any arbitrary verb phrase...
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How to Learn Japanese Kanji the fun way (Heisig)
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The 100 Most Important Japanese Words You Should Know - Tofugu
Jump starting your language ability means using Japanese words. And not just any Japanese words. Japanese words used often, frequently, and a lot.
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How To Count Anything In Japanese - Tofugu
The Japanese language has this tricky thing known as “counters.” With counters, certain things have certain “counters” that you use to count them. For example, you don’t just say “one dog,” you say “ippiki” (一匹), which refers to one small animal. To say the least, there are a lot of counters, and sometimes even Japanese …
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Speaking Japanese Fluently in 6 Months: 6 Steps to Success
Good tips for people learning Japanese, especially #2 - Conversation Fillers, they help you sound more natural.
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Learn the Top 25 Must-Know Japanese Phrases!
These are phrases that are commonly used in Japan, and can help you get around.
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NSFW Namasensei's Japanese Course
Videos Contain Colorful Language. NSFW
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the Hiragana and Katakana Characters Explained (includes full kana charts)
The hiragana and katakana explained: what they are and how to use them (includes full kana charts)
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100 Most Essential Words In Anime
100 Most Essential Words in Anime
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Want to watch Japanese TV? Here is a site that streams it.
Watching TV is a good way to build listening comprehension.
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How to Understand a Japanese "sentence" -- Ken Butler's "Japanese CyberTutorial 3
What kind of content would you like to see here?
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You can’t “learn” Kanji!!
One of my pet peeves is when somebody says the phrase "learn Kanji" such as, "I learned 100 Kanji in one week!" Kanji has way too many parts to simply say that
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