Conversation 9 comments by 4 users
  • Fuyu (edited 9 years ago)

    I'd like to apologize for being so hasty with my downvotes. I'm still used to Reddit where a downvote isn't as important (though I still use them sparingly and with reason) since reputation is just calculated by a flat number of upvotes vs downvotes, so it was a bit surprising for me to see someone get so anxious about a single downvote.

    My only idea is to post an alternate link mirror if you see anything that indicates the site may cost money. I noticed in your text mirror that it prompted you to

    Try Newsweek for only $1.25 per week

    If you're extra cautious about downvotes, it's a bit extra work to add a mirrored module but worth it in my opinion to ensure there's no paywall incidents. When Snapzu gets bigger, this may become necessary anyways because Reddit is known for giving accidental DoS attacks when a link to a smaller site gets popular.

    • idlethreat

      while I love the idea of a mirror module for snapzu, one could easily run afoul of copyrights for "unauthorized use of copyrighted material" and get into a bunch of hot water over nothing.

      • Fuyu

        I more-so meant using current mirror websites and just adding it as a linked module. Snapzu having it's own would definitely be cool and more convenient, but I agree the legal difficulties and also just the time and effort to take to develop the module would probably make it not worth it in the Snapzu staff's eyes.

        • idlethreat

          Sorry, looks like I misread your original response. There is coralcdn, but I can't seem to get it to work on my end. I wonder if there's any other third party cache sites out there we might be able to hijack for the cause...

          • click

            old comment & probably useless reply, but works.

        • VoyagerXyX (edited 9 years ago)

          I really liked the throwaway I used as a linked module in the original post. Just copied the text, pasted it, and uploaded it to a throw away URL that will go down in a month or so. It could be a solution but it's important that we educate people that sometimes an aggregator may not be aware of a paywall and a short conversation could get such a module added in a timely manner. Here is a link to the alternate I used.

      • VoyagerXyX

        Agreed, this could be seen as a risky solution to an issue that could be resolved other ways.

    • VoyagerXyX

      Seriously it's fine but it is a concern of mine for the sake of other people out there. This is in no way your fault and I don't want anybody to think that I'm blaming you in any way, you saw a paywall-like advertisement and acted accordingly to maintain the quality of the content on Snapzu. I don't want to make it about your actions, it's a small flaw in the system and I wanted to just make other users aware that it could be a risk. :) No hard feelings. None, at all.

      • Fuyu

        Glad to hear. ^_^ I agree, it is something to be concerned about so the more people that know it's a possible issue, the better.