  • Fuyu

    I more-so meant using current mirror websites and just adding it as a linked module. Snapzu having it's own would definitely be cool and more convenient, but I agree the legal difficulties and also just the time and effort to take to develop the module would probably make it not worth it in the Snapzu staff's eyes.

    • idlethreat

      Sorry, looks like I misread your original response. There is coralcdn, but I can't seem to get it to work on my end. I wonder if there's any other third party cache sites out there we might be able to hijack for the cause...

      • click

        old comment & probably useless reply, but works.

    • VoyagerXyX (edited 9 years ago)

      I really liked the throwaway I used as a linked module in the original post. Just copied the text, pasted it, and uploaded it to a throw away URL that will go down in a month or so. It could be a solution but it's important that we educate people that sometimes an aggregator may not be aware of a paywall and a short conversation could get such a module added in a timely manner. Here is a link to the alternate I used.