Conversation 18 comments by 17 users
  • jrmy (edited 9 years ago)

    Personally I would love to see your team introduce even more iterations so app creators can get working and users can get some value. With a quicker release cycle app devs can get to work now on UI and basic items. Then iterate with you as new API features are released.

    Phase 1 - Lurker

    - Account login (no management.)

    - Access to view snaps

    - Ability to vote on snaps

    Phase 2 - Commentator

    - Ability to comment on snaps / test posts

    - Ability to vote on comments / snaps / test posts

    Phase 3 - Content Creator 1

    - Ability to create text posts

    Phase 3 - Snapzu Power User

    - Ability to private message

    - Profile Overview

    - Tribe Management

    • drunkenninja

      I think you're on to something, definitely more phases / iterations would be beneficial in speeding up the creation of the API so that devs can get started with the basics and then adding functionality as we fine tune and release updated versions. Anyone else agree with this? or not agree for that matter?

      • DesiDrifter395

        I'm not a developer, but I really like the phases setup like this. I think the first priority should definitely be to get something in place that'll allow users to login and read posts from tribes they are subscribed to. I'm okay with this phase layout, but I think the optimal first phase would be a combo of 1 and 2.

      • redalastor

        Taking into account that phase 1 should enable the creation of a decent mobile viewer, I'd add one thing : requesting an authentication nonce. That way the app could link the user to the right web page ready to comment or do whatever, pre-authenticated.

      • caelreth

        Yes, I think short iterations so that devs who want to use the API can get started sooner is the way to go.

      • Vind

        I agree with this. Although I would personally prefer the original post way of doing it, but this could be a good start.

      • DunkEgg

        This comment has been removed

      • skully (edited 9 years ago)

        I think /u/jrmy's list is a good one, with one caveat: I think creating text posts should be part of the same phase as creating snaps. From a (non-programmer) user's perspective it would be weird and frustrating if I could post text posts but not snaps.

        • jrmy

          The only reason I left out posting snaps was due to my perceived level of effort needed to support a snap vs a text post. With snaps having modules, etc, I could foresee that being an issue. But, now that I think about it, there is no reason you couldn't provide a limited snap posting release that doesn't include most of the modules.

      • brahle

        Yeah, I agree with that.

        Facebook did it with their Platform and it seems like it's what made the whole thing work.

      • imnotgoats

        I think this makes sense, although I'd add the ability to create snaps somewhere in there (possibly just an oversight). Also, I'd give tribe management it's own later phase as I don't think it should hold up 'profile overview' and PMs. It's a social community after all.

    • internethermit

      I think as long as phase 1 includes the ability to get a list of subscribed tribes, then I think that's pretty much the way to go.

    • ressmox

      From a developer perspective, this is probably the best (most practical and logical) list that I've seen here.

    • folkrav

      This. This this this. That would be a great way to accelerate the development, and would allow us to put out stuff faster. Phase 1 and phase 2 could go together though, as it would be pretty badly received (IMO) to not be able to comment, as it's pretty much what's encouraged in this community!

    • Goronmon (edited 9 years ago)

      Yeah, I like this list. From a developer's perspective, the only thing that makes things hard is when breaking changes are made to existing APIs. As long as that's avoided as much as possible, releasing the API in phases like this should work pretty well.

    • canuck

      Great Idea!