  • drunkenninja

    Metroid on the NES blew my mind, and when SNES came out I couldn't wait to play Super Metroid. I must have found every secret there was in that game.

    • caelreth

      Metroid was tied with Legend of Zelda for my favorite games on the NES. So many hours spent on those 2 games.

      • drunkenninja

        Same, Zelda was huge for me too.

        • caelreth

          Funny thing is that most of my friends who had an NES got Super Mario Bros. with their NES, but mine didn't come with it. In fact, i never owned SMB. But Zelda and Metroid were the first two games I had (supplied my grandparents when they gave me the NES). Also the only two games I ever "finished" on the NES, I think.

          • drunkenninja

            Funny, I don't recall finishing any other game but those two as well. Hmm wait, nevermind I did finish Super Mario world :D