  • kebwi

    Here's an article I wrote about an under-appreciated prediction I made that would result from ever-increasing graphics performance, namely that synthesized voices will be the last piece to fall into place to revolutionize the film industry by replacing human actors.

    • canuck

      Uh, there are comments in your article from 03'. Impressed.

    • drunkenninja

      Holy shit

      Hollywood is dead. Long live Hollywood. Hollywood depends on several things, but anyone would agree that the one thing that is more vital than anything else is actors. Sure, all the other jobs are important, but ultimately it's about the actors. We will have fully artificial actors within twenty years (we would have them a lot sooner if movies were still silent). When that day comes, movies won't be about expensive, stuck-up actors anymore. They will be about good story-writers. Making movies will become a profession for writers and directors (with a soundtrack composer hired on the side). All other jobs (actors, producers, stage-managers, set-designers, coffee-getters, food-caterers, "extras") will be gone forever. Sounds kinda nice, doesn't it?

      Dude, that's a damn good prediction, right on point! Thanks for sharing.