  • CrookedTale

    I lived for 31 years in upper WI I have spent the last 15 in East TN. The difference is that northern states and their local governments are well prepared for large snowfalls and usually expect it every year. They have plows out all the time, salt and sand, and emergency procedures that have stood the test of time. In the south we have none of that, we are very ill equipped to deal with any amount of snow or ice. We use a salt brine to keep the roads clear of ice and snow down here. This is applied to the major roads 24 to 12 hours before anything happens of course we never just get snow it is always rain then snow. The rain washes the brine off the streets well before we get any snow. If you are lucky you get to see a plow on the main roads, but on the back roads you will never see one. When I say back roads I mean any road that is not a pike, if it is a drive, a street, a lane, or a boulevard you don't get plowed. The drivers down here are horrible also, they have the idea that you have to go fast everywhere you go no matter what the condition. It all adds up to a big mess. So the city or county government can only do one thing during this time and that is to shut everything down and hope that the businesses in the area take the hint and let their workers go home or stay home.

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