Text Post: Welcome! Introduce yourself. posted by bogdan
  • DylanMcDermott (edited 8 years ago)

    1. Support. In other games i've always loved "supporty" roles- eg i was a healer in WoW. I love support because you get to focus on the "big picture" in a match, rather than focusing so much on things like last hitting. That being said, most of my friends have been playing for a much shorter time than I have, so even though i practice very little I'm a better last-hitter and have better game-sense than them-- so when I don't play a more carry-oriented role with them we lose more often. Few and far between are the times which I play with my friends who are significantly better carries than me (though I do have a few), so getting to support them is a real treat. Otherwise, I like unstacked pubs because I can support people who are as-good or better than me and really see an impact.

    2. Pheonix, far and again. I love how he can pubstomp with his beam, or shut down farming with fire spirits in higher-skill matches. Also, he comes with an awesome escape and refresh. I also enjoy that he uses health as currency. I won't lie, in lower skill matches I tend to max beam first then rush heart after tranquils and urn (warding the whole time, of course.) In matches with more organized teams I'll pick up more traditional items which synergize with the egg, like shiva's guard, and max fire spirits, however.

    3. I played a lick (~100 matches) in 2012-2013, but I didn't start playing in earnest until october 2013. Since then I've played about 1000 matches

    4. I never play ranked matches, but with the fact that I end up in plenty of matches, but not all matches, marked "high skill" in dotabuff i can infer that i'm just below or above 3k.

    5. I love how complex and robust the strategy in dota is. That being said, the most frustrating for me is how often it changes! There's nothing quite as frustrating as catching up with a new meta, even if sometimes you're super glad that the meta changed (thank goodness 6.83 is gone)

    • bogdan

      Not sure if you were around during the old Phoenix's time - probably not. Back then I was playing with a few friends in the Warcraft 3 map of Dota and the sun ray was completely overpowered - it would keep on shooting for as long as you wanted. I had a buddy play as Crystal Maiden and he'd freeze enemies while I'd shoot them down with my ray - we called it the Microwave Ice Oven. It was amazing. Phoenix is a great hero.

      • DylanMcDermott

        Yeah, in the original dota days I was too discouraged to play. ("Noob in game, remake and ban noob") A forever-beam sounds absurd. CM and Pheonix still synergize great if you're going for wombo-combo team-fights.

        I like CM too, but I feel like she's harder to "comeback" with if you do poorly with her in the early-mid game. Also, enemy players tend to be more familiar with her thus better-equipped to deal with her.