Text Post: Welcome! Introduce yourself. posted by bogdan
  • nightships (edited 9 years ago)

    Hello everyone! New to Snapzu. I'm a regular over at r/dota2, so I figured my first stop here would be /t/dota2 :)

    1. Support. I'm practicing carry/offlane, but I'm still mostly terrible at it. Mid I avoid like a plague.

    2. Hmm, right now I've been playing a lot of Earthshaker, but Abaddon and Lich are probably my two best.

    3. I played my very first game way back in 2004, version 5.84c, but I stopped playing soon after. I picked it up again when I was in high school, around 2008 - my friends and I were god-awful at it, but we were 10+ and played almost everyday. When college came I stopped again, had a short stint in Heroes of Newerth, then moved to Dota 2 in 2012 :)

    4. My solo hovers around 3.5, but I don't really play much ranked.

    5. I love the game, but I only really play with friends. Solo queue is far too toxic for me. I'm probably going to have to quit again soon (grad school coming up), but I'm a huge esports nerd so I'll still follow all the tournaments.

    • bogdan (edited 9 years ago)

      Hey! Nice meeting you. What servers are you playing on?

      I've had the same thing - I played in the early past, I sucked at the game, and I got back into it like 5 or 6 years back again.

      • nightships

        I'm from SEA unfortunately, I don't think there are many of us around here haha. I guess most of the people here are from NA/EU?