  • bogdan

    That's a good point, it just goes to show how religion, even interpreted in the wrong way, augments the values that people stand for.

    • spacepopper

      I find arguing these sort of topics to be pointless, so much of our views on them are subjective that it becomes futile. All belief systems work in the same manner, god included or not.

      • ckshenn

        Excellent point.

      • drunkenninja

        You're right, everyone has their own belief system at the end of the day.

      • bogdan (edited 8 years ago)
        @drunkenninja -

        Yes... I'm a bit disappointed regarding this. The point of this tribe isn't to defend your belief system, it's to make arguments for and against things that you normally might not defend. I think it's a good exercise for the human brain to try to see what is in favor of the opposition too, rather than just feeding a possible confirmation bias.

        Hell, I don't agree with most of the shit I've written here, but it did help me see what would normally go on through the mind of a person defending these things.

      • aj0690
        @bogdan -

        Hell, I don't agree with most of the shit I've written here, but it did help me see what would normally go on through the mind of a person defending these things.

        How do you feel about it?

      • bogdan
        @aj0690 -

        About what exactly?

      • aj0690
        @bogdan -

        Being on that side of the argument.

      • bogdan
        @aj0690 -

        It's a challenge, mostly when I have to find valid reasons for arguments that I know are incorrect.

        It's why at one point I feel like in an actual argument, I'd have to be forced to take the political approach and sidetrack to a different topic that is deriving from the main subject, where I could actually find something I believe in to argue for.

      • aj0690
        @bogdan -

        It's understandable. Playing the devils advocate can be difficult, especially when it comes to something you have an opposite opinion of.