  • SevenTales

    It's a really really good idea. Changing the signs would help the mentality I think.

    • Xeno

      Yes, I think while having more forced information out there about a downvoting button will help a bit... I think we have to realize that those of us having this discussion are the users that really care. A majority of people probably ignore a lot of information given to them and once again... a down arrow has an implied connotation that people who did not read about the function of the button will mess up.

      • SevenTales

        Yep. So additional information in the prologue, downvote reasons on everything and a change of graphics would be the best course of actions I think.

    • Wenjarich (edited 8 years ago)

      I think this is a really great solution! Keeps the purpose of the buttons of helping the moderators and admin not have too much work but still to swamp them, yet moves away from the agree, disagree mindset.

      Not sure if it is easy to do or not, but I would maybe add putting them on opposite sides of the post to mentally seperate the association with each other and hence furthering them being thought as opposites, but that's just a small added thought..

      Edit: Oops, meant to comment on /u/spaceghoti 's post haha

      • SevenTales

        Hahaha well it's still valid to my own comment anyhow :)