  • tehdiplomat

    Shit I totally misread this post, but I'm going to stick with my answer anyway.

    "The Free Parking Rule" in Monopoly. Luckily we played lots of other games aside from that, and it was definitely not a favorite of anyone.

    For a more realistic answer, my parents tried to limit my internet/computer time. But since I was actively taking classes in Computer Science, it was pretty easy to convince them I was "doing work" even if I was playing MUDs or otherwise.

    • spaceghoti

      MUDs were almost the perfect stealth game. Whenever I had downtime at work I'd log into a MUD and start programming something, and people who came to my desk thought I was doing something official. All they'd see was lines of code and assume it was legitimate.

    • ColonBowel

      What's the free parking rule?

      • cailihphiliac

        In Monopoly, taxes and stuff are left under the Free Parking corner of the board, and whoever lands there, gets whatever money is under that corner.

        This is a house rule, not an actual Monopoly rule, and it makes everything take longer because it keeps money in circulation.