  • ttubravesrock

    remove the outliers from the sample size. eliminate the top and bottom 2% of both men and women. the middle 96% of women are on average far more beautiful than the middle 96% of men.

    • spaceghoti

      Beauty isn't an objective value. We all have different standards of beauty, and some of them have changed in the last two generations alone. Mae West and Marilyn Monroe were considered sex symbols in their day, but today both would be considered too heavy to be attractive.

      A lot of women I consider beautiful don't meet common modern criteria for attractiveness, and a lot of attractive women are downright ugly when you get to know them.

      • ttubravesrock

        there's an ocean of difference between beauty and attractiveness.

        • spaceghoti

          Not everyone makes that distinction. You didn't seem to when you described the middle 96% of women as more beautiful than the middle 96% of men. Even if we abandon physical attractiveness as a measure of beauty it's still in the eye of the beholder.