
What is your proudest achievement?

What have you done that you think is one of the best things you have yet achieved? Did you get recognition for it or not?

I've written some work (both fiction and opinion) that I'm extremely fond of, and a lot of it has been very well received. I wish I had more time for composition but I have to steal time in-between calls during my "real" job.

9 years ago by spaceghoti with 21 comments

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  • Nelson

    I'm not an artist or anything, but my grade 8 artwork was nominated for some award and went into some art gallery. I have absolutely no idea where it is now.

    • messi

      might be worth millions in a few hundred years.

    • MrHouse

      The same thing happened to me. I have always been bad when it comes to art, but I got to keep mine when it was all over.

      • Nelson

        At least you got yours back !

  • Cheesemangeur (edited 9 years ago)

    I got my life together, moved to another country, made more friends, am planning a wedding, and got a stable carreer. Took a while to feel like an adult.

  • bogdan (edited 9 years ago)

    (I always make unnecessarily long posts, but I can only think of stories within a context)

    I was pretty decent at organic chemistry in high school, though I was never that interested in doing anything particularly well for school. My teacher tells me about this national contest that she wants me to attend, and I'm like sure, whatever (it meant I'd skip other classes to "prepare" for it, so fuck yea).

    It was away in another city, and while on the train the teacher tells me about how she's gonna meet a lot of her old college colleagues, and people she's known since she was young. We get there, I participate in the contest, and as I was coming out of the written test, my teacher was with this "friend" of hers. I accidentally heard that other person tell my teacher how the students she brought are so great cause they have [insert achievements here] and they're sure to win, and my teacher didn't really have what to say about that, and I could tell she was feeling uncomfortable.

    I won that contest and the look of surprise and happiness on the face of my teacher is something I will never forget for the rest of my life. Making other people happy is the greatest feeling I can have.


    I also own a website (I won't advertise it here, it's not in English anyway) that has around 5k unique visitors daily, it's like my baby so I'm proud of that too.

  • NinjaKlaus

    Graduating high school, very few in my family could say that at the time when I did it.

  • Jupiter7

    Graduating college. Took a total of five years, but I did it :)

  • DubloRemo

    Moving across the ocean and starting a new life in England. I was alone, scared, and broken-hearted. 2 years on, I'm the happiest I've ever been and having an amazing time in one of the best cities in the world. It's crazy what can happen in a couple of years..

    • Splitfish

      Great stuff. Where were you moving from?

      • DubloRemo

        Moved from Canada to London. Not a huge culture shock, but enough to give me the opportunity to be outside of my comfort zone and realise that I can overcome virtually any challenge that I'm faced with.

  • pixelboot

    I went from a college drop out working in a sleazy bar to having a well-paying and respected career. All through hard work, networking, and taking risks. I still can't believe that I actually made it some days.

  • fivestarsoul

    First in my family to graduate from college. I had a close call, but made it out the other side. Sometimes I still pinch myself...

    • drunkenninja

      Nothing worth while comes easy. Your family must be proud.

  • agetwozero

    A couple of weeks ago i wrote a simple messageboard in php, it's far from finished but i made it without any help and i am pretty proud on what i made. First time in a long time i actually felt good about something i made.

    • MyUserName

      Good job. I know that feeling of getting your code to work, though I myself haven't published code on the internet just through academic activities but when the thing works and does what it is meant to do, its such a great feeling. Unless you didn't change anything and it started to work by itself... then I usually get confused and worried. Keep up the good work.

  • Sephsta

    I'd say running a popular gaming community is one of my prodest achievements.

    Shameless plug: http://cm.moogle.org.uk We play other games - not just FFXIV :)

  • sushmonster

    Definitely getting into the Ph.D. program I am currently in. I'm (relatively) young, and nobody in my family ever finished college; not only did I move across the world to the U.S. (from South Asia) for college, I graduated summa cum laude and then got into my grad program. tl;dr: academics. :)

  • tarellel

    Going from being homeless and jobless to getting my life together, getting married, and being a pretty dam good father to my children (at least in my opinion).