  • Qukatt

    Drugs and smoking. I mean I get why you want the items just not why you waste so much money on them

    • NstealthL

      Agreed completely. I've spent some money on drugs and smoking, but that was always as a treat to myself and budgeted for. If I couldn't afford it, I wouldn't get it.

      Here's a fun story! I used to have a friend that never went out with us, never wanted to chip in money for anything, if we went on vacation we couldn't even spend one night having a decent dinner, etc. This is all fine in my book. I don't mind living a cheap life. However, she would constantly complain about not having any money at all or complain that we had so much (which we didn't, we were just smarter students). Meanwhile, she's spending at least 50 euros a week on drinking and smoking alone. Alongside that, some drug usage that we don't know if she paid for or mooched off of people. We stopped talking to that person because she could not take any responsibility for her actions or even acknowledge the financial consequences of what she was doing. I suppose her initially lying to us about a lot of this didn't help her case. If you're gonna be wasting a bunch of money like that, don't blame others for your lack of financial stability.

      • Qukatt

        Yeah i mean i have never smoked and the drugs i tried all made me really sick so I've never spent money on those things. I'm also a slow social drinker, i don't drink to get a buzz (though it's happened plenty on it's own xD) so I dunno how these people spend so much money on these things when even I was struggling as a poor student without all my money going there.

        Like i paid for my internet and an MMO subscription and that kept me entertained for years for £9 a monthish and people would like take offence that i was spending money on that and maybe grumping when i didn't have money for something but they'd expect me to come out drinking heavily every other day 0.o

        People are weird.

    • folkrav

      Smoking is an addiction. A lot of smokers actually just carry the addiction from high school or college. I was stupid in college.

      And drugs well... I don't think stuff like alcohol or weed really is a problem if consumed moderately and in a purely recreative way. When it comes to those who smokes an oz every week, that's where I think it is a problem - shit's expensive dude, and you could/should definitely stop doing that.

      • Qukatt

        Yeah I avoided smoking because both my parents were/are smokers and tokers and I just hit this point earlyish on where just all my clothes stank of smoke when clean and I was starting to get asthmatic and stuff so when my friends started smoking I just never did. I also made a very clear choice not to enable my friends by buying them cigs (being oldest and pretty much never carded for anything) and the later decided I didn't want to date anyone who smoked at all.

        All of my friends were like "oglh I only smoke when I'm drunk, its fine!" Now the lot of them are trying to quit and failing hard and vaping like its better or something. I appreciate I a weirdo though, if I want to stop something I just give it up cold turkey and I'm done. Haven't touched a high caffeine "energy" drink in almost two years. Going to give up most sodas too as soon as I get used to water again. Except lemonade. Iemonade is versatile xD.

    • mcsmitheslc

      That is true, and the same applies to junk food. I never had an issue with drugs or smoking though I can see how it works the same. Junk food eats away your money and health like those do. I suppose we all have ways of trying to cope with life and that is what some like to do. I ate ice cream to the point where I ate too much. I put on ridiculous weight, lost a gal bladder, and just overall let it hurt me. It was painful going to the store and knowing ice cream was there. It was in that experience I now empathize with those who are trying to improve their lives by quitting smoking and drugs. I never realized how much better I feel eating better food though it is a test of will at times. You guys who had to overcome this earned my respect. And deserve that money you are saving :)