  • folkrav

    Smoking is an addiction. A lot of smokers actually just carry the addiction from high school or college. I was stupid in college.

    And drugs well... I don't think stuff like alcohol or weed really is a problem if consumed moderately and in a purely recreative way. When it comes to those who smokes an oz every week, that's where I think it is a problem - shit's expensive dude, and you could/should definitely stop doing that.

    • Qukatt

      Yeah I avoided smoking because both my parents were/are smokers and tokers and I just hit this point earlyish on where just all my clothes stank of smoke when clean and I was starting to get asthmatic and stuff so when my friends started smoking I just never did. I also made a very clear choice not to enable my friends by buying them cigs (being oldest and pretty much never carded for anything) and the later decided I didn't want to date anyone who smoked at all.

      All of my friends were like "oglh I only smoke when I'm drunk, its fine!" Now the lot of them are trying to quit and failing hard and vaping like its better or something. I appreciate I a weirdo though, if I want to stop something I just give it up cold turkey and I'm done. Haven't touched a high caffeine "energy" drink in almost two years. Going to give up most sodas too as soon as I get used to water again. Except lemonade. Iemonade is versatile xD.