Conversation 31 comments by 16 users
  • DCSpud

    Starbucks. Specifically coffee. I understand if you want a frappe or something else that can be tricky to make at home, but save your money and make your own coffee.

    • 60sTimeMachine

      Due to working as a barista I've recently developed a caffeine addiction. I'm allowed to make myself the best damn coffee in the world and sip on it throughout my shifts, no charge. This means that on my days off I feel hungover until I get my precious coffee. And I don't get free coffee when I'm not working. I probably spend over $10 a day on the stuff. God help me.

      I don't drink that Starbucks crap though.

      • Mac

        Have you considered buying a personal espresso machine? Obviously, they're not cheap, but you might end up saving money in the long run. Also, how cool would that be to have one of those in your kitchen to where you could make almost every drink you could at work?

      • ColonBowel (edited 8 years ago)

        Get a coffee maker that grinds the beans right before making the coffee. Much better than the starbucks shit if you find beans that you like. Personally, I like the Mayorca ones at costco.

        Coffee maker = $100 Beans = $10 per 2 weeks if you drink it like water

        Starbucks @ 3cups/week ~~ $30 per week

        100 + 10(x/2) = 30x

        10(x/2) = 30x - 100

        x/2 = 3x - 10

        x = 6x - 20

        -5x = -20

        x = 4

        If I did that right, then after 4 weeks, you're saving money. This is using very safe estimates.

    • Qukatt

      you know when you say you can't afford something relatively cheap (usually it's the charity muggers) and people go "it's only the price of a cup of coffee!". Well screw those people, i don't drink crazy expensive fancy coffee. I barely drink instant make at home coffee. I hate that phrase.

      • redalastor

        Here it's some newspaper and the government that does that. Someone even made a website to make the conversion (you have to pick between Tim Hortons and Starbuck prices).

      • alizure (edited 8 years ago)

        hey, you can take instant coffee, put a little vanilla flavoring in it( or what ever flavor you like) put a little cream in it... i do it all the time. good stuff!

        • Qukatt

          Yeah I have a caramel syrup, so awesome.

          Either that or I basically just put a spoon of instant into my awesome hot chocolate :)

    • Gelidaer

      I don't get coffee, it just makes me want to shit. I just stick to caffeine pills that cost less than 10 cents for the same amount that you get in a regular coffee.

      • jmcs

        Coffee, at least good one, isn't just about caffeine, it's also about flavour.

        • pueno

          And don't forget the culture of coffee drinking. I think mostly about European countries (?) where you get your coffee in "real" cups (not that plastic or paper cup ones).

          • jmcs

            I hate paper cups, they can instantly destroy the flavour of the best coffee. Even with mediocre coffee like the one at Starbucks you can notice the difference between a proper ceramic cup and the paper cup.

      • folkrav

        I can't go by without coffee now. I drink it black or with a little bit of milk, depending on how good it is. It's about taste, not energy, as caffeine doesn't do shit to me - I used to (over)drink energy drinks and I could sleep straight after drinking one.

        • redalastor

          If you want a really good coffee try a cold brew. You basically just pour the grinded coffee in cold water and put it in your fridge for 12 hours. You can then drink it cold or heat it (but cold is cool, it's summer after all).

          It tastes sweeter and less bitter the a hot brew and you won't ever have to put milk in it.

          • folkrav

            Well that bitter side is one thing I actually like. Might try that though, have heard of it several times but never got to it!

        • cunt

          Caffeine has no effect on me I can down a can of Nae Danger, Red Bull or even several and i'm asleep pretty soon afterwards. I love the taste.

          Try Coffee with double cream for a real delight

          • folkrav

            Meh, won't be able to find double cream around here! Dairy products are heavily controlled and heavy heat pasteurized around here, seems like the closest thing we have is heavy cream, which looks like isn't even closely the same.

            • cunt

              Which Country are you in?>

            • folkrav
              @cunt -

              Quebec, Canada!

            • cunt
              @folkrav -

              Try whipped cream or butterfat whipping cream ;)

    • jmcs

      I would hesitate in calling what Starbucks sells coffee, it's dirty water at best. The stuff they make without coffee is usually reasonable though.

    • SirScherzo

      I disagree. If you're there for just a coffee, no latte frappe caramel tazo tea, a grande (which is plenty of coffee) is about $2. That's the same as a can of pop from a vending machine. The quality obviously won't be nearly as good as a privately run roaster, but it's much better than any other large chain I can think of.

    • mathematical

      It's actually not too bad with free refills. My wife and I will hang out at Starbucks if we're bored. She gets those flavored Iced Teas and I get Iced Coffee with a splash of heavy cream. We usually get three refills and then one for the road. For $7-$8 we have a good 2+ hour date of talking, browsing the web on our laptops, and drinking delicious beverages. That being said, I can't just get a drink and leave, because $7 for two 20oz drinks is just crazy talk.

      • DCSpud

        Wow wow wow... Free refills? Where are you that you get refills? I've never seen that before.

        • mathematical

          You have to get a Starbucks card. Basically, any gift card can be reloaded and added to a your account to become your card. After 5 purchases on the card, you're "green level" and you get free refills on tea or coffee (both either hot or iced) while in-store.

          • DCSpud

            I will definitely have to do that then! Thanks!

    • oystein

      A good café has a good grinder. My home grinder, although expensive, can't touch the grinders they have in cafés. That's the reason I tend to drink V60 in cafés in addition to at home.