  • Qukatt

    you know when you say you can't afford something relatively cheap (usually it's the charity muggers) and people go "it's only the price of a cup of coffee!". Well screw those people, i don't drink crazy expensive fancy coffee. I barely drink instant make at home coffee. I hate that phrase.

    • redalastor

      Here it's some newspaper and the government that does that. Someone even made a website to make the conversion (you have to pick between Tim Hortons and Starbuck prices).

    • alizure (edited 8 years ago)

      hey, you can take instant coffee, put a little vanilla flavoring in it( or what ever flavor you like) put a little cream in it... i do it all the time. good stuff!

      • Qukatt

        Yeah I have a caramel syrup, so awesome.

        Either that or I basically just put a spoon of instant into my awesome hot chocolate :)