  • mathematical

    It's actually not too bad with free refills. My wife and I will hang out at Starbucks if we're bored. She gets those flavored Iced Teas and I get Iced Coffee with a splash of heavy cream. We usually get three refills and then one for the road. For $7-$8 we have a good 2+ hour date of talking, browsing the web on our laptops, and drinking delicious beverages. That being said, I can't just get a drink and leave, because $7 for two 20oz drinks is just crazy talk.

    • DCSpud

      Wow wow wow... Free refills? Where are you that you get refills? I've never seen that before.

      • mathematical

        You have to get a Starbucks card. Basically, any gift card can be reloaded and added to a your account to become your card. After 5 purchases on the card, you're "green level" and you get free refills on tea or coffee (both either hot or iced) while in-store.

        • DCSpud

          I will definitely have to do that then! Thanks!