
Whats your favorite thing about fall?

9 years ago by canuck with 24 comments

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  • jcscher

    The colors and college and high school football!

  • gremlin

    Red leaves and a nice breeze.

  • Qukatt

    The Midgies go back to hell, the wasps start buggering off. the colours are awesome. HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENIEESS!!!

    • Zeus (edited 9 years ago)

      Happy Happy Halloween
      Happy Happy Halloween
      Silver Shamrock

  • Gozzin

    Weather cooling down and pumpkins in the stores.

  • spectregris (edited 9 years ago)

    It's jacket season and I love me a jacket. Any excuse to have extra pockets is a good one. Especially cargo jackets, looking at army surplus is like porn to me simply for the jackets. I don't even carry that much with me, but I love having the ability to carry more than the average person. Fall gives me this excuse and that is why adore fall.

  • racerxonclar

    It's the beautiful parade screaming, "WINTER'S FINALLY COMING!"

  • Endymion

    Pumpkin spice lat..jk! The melancholic weather in my city, best for running/hiking and also trail biking, for me at least :)

  • FivesandSevens

    Crisp mornings, postseason baseball, and the idealism and nervous excitement of my freshmen in those few weeks before they start to become jaded by university life.

  • fractal

    I dislike hot weather very much, so Autumn puts a stop to that and I can start wearing a thin jacket, cover myself with a blanket and hug the wife while sleeping. There would be no more mosquitos, and the days get shorter, which means unbelievable indigo skies after sunset. On the con side, no more fruit everywhere....

  • drunkenninja

    Mushroom picking, fishing, hunting and the awesome amount of colours that appear.

    • ttubravesrock

      what kind of mushrooms are prominent in your area?

      We have a lot of the king boletes and amanitas around here.

      • drunkenninja

        I primarily stick to chanterelles due to their meaty consistency and delicious taste in pretty much everything, but sometimes I'll encounter pine mushrooms, morels and lobster mushrooms as well.

  • JpOtS

    The crisp air and the smell.

  • sick

    Damn, you guys have taken my answers. Love this thread and everything about Fall! It's my favorite time of the year!!!!

  • OldTallGuy

    NFL and College Football kick into gear. The cooler days let me get some work done without having to worry about dehydration.

  • frohawk

    The annual celebration of me being removed from my mother's body cavity.