  • eikonoklastes

    It was basically the power-structure.

    On one hand there are power users moderating most of the default subreddits and many others, discussing things in private subreddits and synchronizing their actions, leading to scenarios where five of them don't like a topic it gets banned on perhaps nearly all meaningful subreddits. That sucks and the first time it hurt was during the GamerGate stuff, where every opinion not in favor of SJWs was silenced. As a gamer, I would not like to be called a rapist manchild in inflammatory blanket-statements sanctioned by power users.

    On the other there are the admins, doing nothing meaningful all day long as far as the average user can see, to the point where even the power users are getting pissed. There are loads of fixes in the Git repository they don't even glance at - it would just take a short review to make the site more stable or fix/add a feature. Getting into contact with any staff member is like praying to a god, don't expect an answer, that's not how support works. And then all the transparency talk, filthy liars.

    This makes me feel caged, always wondering what's getting deleted and what I am allowed to see. I'd rather not be manipulated, thanks. Especially the drama surrounding the politics and europe subreddits, it's gruesome. I just want neutral ground where no one makes an ass of themselves.